A power supply unit is a source of
either a Constant Current or Constant Voltage irrespective of the load
resistance. Power sources can be classified as either varying or non-varying,
i-e AC or DC. AC stands for Alternating Current whereas DC stands for Direct
current. Graphically speaking, the Alternating currents are those that vary in
some periodic fashion electrically and reverse polarity several times. The
voltage which causes an Alternating Current is called AC voltage. The figure
below shows the wave shape of an alternating power source.
Vector Group of Transformers • A vector group is the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) method of categorizing the high voltage (HV) windings and low voltage (LV) winding configurations of three-phase transformers. • Vector group is a connection of primary winding , secondary winding and an electrical angle difference . • The vector group designation indicates the windings configurations and the difference in phase angle between them. The three phase transformer windings can be connected several ways. Based on the windings’ connection, the vector group of the transformer is determined. • The transformer vector group is indicated on the Name Plate of transformer by the manufacturer. The vector group indicates ...