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Who was Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai ?

          Poet , saint and philosopher Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai was born in 1687 A.D in a small village Hala Haveli District Hyderabad . He was son of Sayed Habid Shah and great grand son of Shah Abdul Karim of Bulri .Shah Abdul Latif was of sensitive mind . He began composing poetry at an early age . He was vast travelled person . The subject of his multi dimensional . The main topics of his poetry are love of God and his prophet , love of land and it’s people . He has not only shown the love for his native land but he has expressed well wishes for whole the world.

                 Shah Abdul Latif was not only a poet but also the scholar of Sindhi , Arabic , Persian and Hindi . His scholarship is evident from his poetry . Shah Abdul Latif invented a simple musical instrument called Tambooro . Which is common all over the Sindh now a days . His poetry has deep meaning in his words and very loving .This great poet of us passed away in 1752 . He was buried at Bhit Shah . Famous Sindhi King . Ghulam Shah Kalhoro built a beautiful tomb over his grave . His urs is held on 14th Safar every year .

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