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 UBUNTU is a very nice story from africa . The motivation behind the ubuntu culture in africa , an anthropologist proposed a game to the african tribal children , he placed a basket of sweets near a tree and made the children stand 100 meters away.  Then announced whoever reaches the first would get all of the sweets in the basket . "When he said ready steady go."

        Do you know what these children did ? 

They all held each other's hands, ran together towards the tree and divided sweets equally among themselves  , ate the sweets and enjoyed it . When the anthrologist asked them why they did so ? 

They answered : "ubuntu" .

Which meant-

         How can one be happy when the others are sad.

Ubuntu in their language means -

                   "I am because we are"

A strong message for all genrations , Let all of us have  this attitude and spread happiness wherever we go . Let's have "ubuntu" life ...

                     I am because we are

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