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Showing posts from August, 2020

What is Economics ?

             The study of how people allocate their limited resources to satisfy their unlimited wants . The study of how people make choices Resources .              Resources  :  Things used to produce other things to satisfy people’s Needs: necessary for survival Air, food, shelter Wants: item we desire but do not NEED to survive Choices: Choosing/opting/allocating resources for selective/essential needs/wants .           Wants :  Things used to produce other things to satisfy people’s wants . What people would buy if their incomes were unlimited . With limited income (resources), people must make choices to satisfy their wants. We never have enough of everything, including time to satisfy our every desire.  Individuals, businesses, and nations face alternatives, and choices must be made. Economics studies how these choices are made. Five Economic Questions WHAT to produ...

Battle of Thermoplyae 480 BC

               Leonidas was a warrior king of Sparta, one of the most dominant ancient Greek cities. He was not destined by birth to become king at all, and did so only because his older half-brother Cleomenes died without male issue. During his reign, King Xerxes of Persia sought to conquer all of Greece, after his father’s failed attempt. By 480 BC, Xerxes had built up an enormous army of some one hundred and fifty thousand men and a navy of six hundred ships. The invasion led to the Battle of Thermopylae, which is considered one of the most famous battles in European ancient history. Unlike other battles, however, it was not a victory for the Greeks, but a defeat. Its fame is derived from being one of the most courageous last stands by the vastly outnumbered defending army of Greek city states led by King Leonidas of Sparta against the invading Persians under King Xerxes.                 The Greek fo...

Who was Ibn Batuta ?

              A great scholar and traveller from south Africa who visited India in 1333 AD during the reign of Muhammad Tuglaq and wrote a chronicle on him . He spent eight years in India on his way to china.           Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Battuta was a Moroccan Muslim scholar and traveller. He was known for his traveling and undertaking excursions called the Rihla. His journeys lasted for a period of almost thirty years, covering nearly the whole of the known Islamic world and beyond. They extended from North Africa, West Africa, Southern Europe and Eastern Europe in the West, to the Middle East, Indian subcontinent, Central Asia, Southeast Asia and China in the East, a distance readily surpassing that of his predecessors. After his travels he returned to Morocco and gave his account of the experience to Ibn Juzay           Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Battuta, was born in Tangier, Morocco, on the 24...

10 Life Changing Habits You Can Form Within 66 Days

         Research shows that it takes, on average, 66 days to form a new habit. In my experience, though, the number isn’t the most important part — you can try to do something for 66 days or 6,000, but you’ll never make a change if you don’t have a good reason. What drives change? Pain. At some point, you simply can’t stand your current behavior or situation, and you need to do something about it. Over the years, I’ve found myself in this position multiple times. The habits I adopted as a result may seem like small improvements, with insignificant daily returns. But because I understand the pain I’d be in without them, these habits have changed my life. They might just change yours, too. 1. Set three or four daily priorities This is one of the best productivity strategies there is. Focus is what leads to results. It’s the thing that will bring you closer to achieving your short- and long-term goals. But how do you focus when your days are filled with endless di...


 UBUNTU is a very nice story from africa . The motivation behind the ubuntu culture in africa , an anthropologist proposed a game to the african tribal children , he placed a basket of sweets near a tree and made the children stand 100 meters away.  Then announced whoever reaches the first would get all of the sweets in the basket . "When he said ready steady go."         Do you know what these children did ?  They all held each other's hands, ran together towards the tree and divided sweets equally among themselves  , ate the sweets and enjoyed it . When the anthrologist asked them why they did so ?  They answered : "ubuntu" . Which meant-          How can one be happy when the others are sad. Ubuntu in their language means -                    "I am because we are" A strong message for all genrations , Let all of us have  this attitude and spread happiness where...

Interesting English Facts

 1-There is only one word in the English language with three consecutive sets of double letters....   Bookkeeper 2-There is a word in the English language with only one vowel, which occurs six times : "indivisibility" 3-There are two words in the English language that have all five vowels in order : "abstemious" and  "facetious" . 4-There are thirteen languages spoken by more than 1000 million people . They are : Mandarin Chinese , English , Hindi , Spanish , Russian , Arabic , Bengali , Portugues , Malay-Indonesian , French , Japanese , German and Urdu . 5-There are only 4 words in the English language which end in "duos" : tremendous , horrendous , stuoendous , and hazardous . 6-The word "queue" is the only word in the English language that is still pronounced the same way , when tha last four letters are removed. 7-"Almost" is the longest word in the English language with all the letters in alphabetical order. 8-The longest...


            Moen-jo-Daro is one of the oldest cities of world . It's ruins are about 4500 years old. Moen-jo-Daro is situated on the right bank of river indus and about 27 kilometers far from Larkana . It was discovered in 1922 by an English archaelogist Sir John Marshal. Once it was a large busy city . The city was well planned and clean . The houses were made of backed bricks . Each house had a bath room and sevaint quarters close by . There were covered drains beside the streets . Streets were made of backed bricks . There was straight road in the middle of city having shops on both sides . There was a public pond and a big storing hall also . There is a great bath built in city which is well known structure in Moen-jo-Daro of the ancient civilization in Sindh.              The people were good cultivators and craftsmen . They grew wheat , rice , cotton etc . They also kept cattle . Craftsmen were very skilled . They wo...

Who was Marco Polo ?

         The Italian traveler , explorer and writer . He was born in Venice( 1254 ) and died in (1324) , who was the first European to visit China . He also journeyed to India , and other countries of the far East and published records of his travels . He travelled through Asia along the silk road between (1271-1295) . Marco Polo travelled first when he was 17 , he travelled through silk road with his uncle and father as they reached China , Marco entered the court of powerful Mongol ruler Kublai Khan (Grand son of Changez Khan) , Marco Polo’s father asked Kublai Kahn for opening of the routes for trading between China and Europe but Kublai khan did not trust him , So that Marco was given as slave to Kublai khan by his father , but the interesting thing is that Marco‘s father was actually working for the Pope and he was also thief of silk worm .           Kublai khan was the first khan to accept all the foreigners and founder of the Yuan...

What is wave ? or What waves do ?

         Waves simply transport energy without any transportation of matter . The energy transportation is carried by a disturbance , which spreads out from a source . We are well familiar with different types of waves such as water waves in the ocean , or gently formed ripples on a still pond due to rain drop . When a musician plucks a guitar-string , sound waves are generated which on reaching our ear , produce the sensation of music . Wave disturbances may also come in a concentrated bundle like the shock waves from an aero plane flying at supersonic speed . What ever may be the nature of waves , the mechanism by which it transports energy is the same . A succession of oscillatory processes are always involved . The wave is generated by an oscillation in the vibrating body and propagation of wave through space is by means of oscillation . The waves which propagate by the oscillation of material particles are known as mechanical waves . There is another class ...

Who was Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai ?

          Poet , saint and philosopher Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai was born in 1687 A.D in a small village Hala Haveli District Hyderabad . He was son of Sayed Habid Shah and great grand son of Shah Abdul Karim of Bulri .Shah Abdul Latif was of sensitive mind . He began composing poetry at an early age . He was vast travelled person . The subject of his multi dimensional . The main topics of his poetry are love of God and his prophet , love of land and it’s people . He has not only shown the love for his native land but he has expressed well wishes for whole the world.                  Shah Abdul Latif was not only a poet but also the scholar of Sindhi , Arabic , Persian and Hindi . His scholarship is evident from his poetry . Shah Abdul Latif invented a simple musical instrument called Tambooro . Which is common all over the Sindh now a days . His poetry has deep meaning in his wor...


What is Eclipse?  .                        When the light of the sun or the moon is obscured by another body the sun or moon is said to be in eclipse . Lunar Eclipse . When the earth comes between the sun , the shadow cast by the earth on the moon results in a lunar eclipse . Lunar eclipse  occurs only on a full moon day but not on every full moon day . Solar Eclipse . When the moon  comes between the sun and the earth , it causes obstruction of the sun's light when viewed from earth , and is called solar eclipse . A solar eclipse occurs on a new moon day when the moon is in line with the sun . However , solar eclipse does not occur on every new moon day .

Rain Alarm Project

                 Water is basic need in every one’s life. Saving and proper usage of water is very important. Here is an easy project which will give the alarm when there is rain, so that we can make some actions and save the rain water. As a result, we can increase the water levels of underground water by using underwater recharge technique. Rain water detector will detect the rain and make an alert; rain water detector is used in the irrigation field, home automation, communication, automobiles etc. Here is the simple and reliable circuit of rain water detector which can be constructed at low cost.   Rain Alarm Project Block Diagram: Rain water sensor is the main component in the circuit. For this rain sensor, no need to go and buy in the market or online. We can do it ourselves just by taking the piece of Bakelite or mica board and aluminum wire. Bakelite or mica board should be made completely ...